In the CBSE paper leak case, Chata police has completed the investigation process by setting up the SIT. A total of 12 people have been arrested. Two people have been arrested in Patna. The original formula was from the Barachatti police station in Bihar's Gaya district, who was studying in 12th in Patna. The arrested people are Satish Pandey and Pankaj Singh, the directors of two Chatter Study Vision coaching.The police has taken both the chaat. Both of them are connected to Delhi. Both CBSE's board examinations used to earn more money by taking money. It is being told that their contact is also with the education mafia of Delhi.......
In the CBSE paper leak case, Chata police has completed the investigation process by setting up the SIT. A total of 12 people have been arrested. Two people have been arrested in Patna. The original formula was from the Barachatti police station in Bihar's Gaya district, who was studying in 12th in Patna. The arrested people are Satish Pandey and Pankaj Singh, the directors of two Chatter Study Vision coaching.The police has taken both the chaat. Both of them are connected to Delhi. Both CBSE's board examinations used to earn more money by taking money. It is being told that their contact is also with the education mafia of Delhi.......
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