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शनिवार, सितंबर 09, 2017

Irma storm: MEA in touch with Indians, 5 million people will leave Florida

The Ministry of External Affairs has said that it is in constant touch with the Irma Hurricane affected Indians. According to the MEA, the situation is being monitored and continuous interaction with the affected people is being discussed. The MEA has also released helpline numbers for Indian community in these countries. Let me tell you that Irma has moved towards Florida after the catastrophic crash in the Caribbean Islands. Five million people have been asked to vacate Florida. According to reports, Cuba and Bahamas have suffered the most damage. So far 21 people have died due to this storm.

                                      इरमा तूफान: भारतीयों के संपर्क में MEA, 50 लाख लोग फ्लोरिडा छोड़ेंगे, national news in hindi, national news                 

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