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शनिवार, मई 19, 2018

10th and 12th results of Nagaland Board issued

Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) has declared results of 10th and 12th. Students can go to the Nagaland Board's official website at nbsenagaland.com to see the results.  The result of the provisional result of Higher School Leaving Certificate (HSLC or Class 10) and Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC or Class 12) has been released. Let me tell you that the examination was delayed due to the assembly elections this year.

                                                  NBSE Result 2018: Nagaland HSSLC, HSLC Result declared, check on official website nbsenagaland.com                 

In this year 21,716 students and 12,281 students were enrolled in Tenth. The 10 th examinations took place from 9 March to 21 March, while the 12th examination took place from 8 March to 29 March. Last year, the pass percentage was 70.19 percent.

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