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शुक्रवार, जनवरी 12, 2018

Today's day proved to be a dark day in the history of democracy

Today's day proved to be a dark day in the history of democracy ... Four judges of the Supreme Court came to the media for the first time. He said that the history of the laws of any country is a very big day. He said that the administration of the Supreme Court is not being done properly .... In the Supreme Court there was a lot of things that should not have happened. We felt that our country has accountability and we tried to persuade the CJI, but our efforts failed. If the Institute is not saved, democracy will end. Please tell that Justice J. Chelameswar, Justice Ranjan Gogoi, Justice Madan Bhimrao Lokur and Justice Kurien Joseph were present in this conference ... "It is very sad" that we had to hold this press conference ..... Justice Chellameswar "This is an amazing opportunity, at least not in the history of India like this ever before, that for some time the administration of the Supreme Court is not doing what he should do. Unfortunately our Success has failed. ".......

                                   सुप्रीम कोर्ट  को नहीं बचाया, तो लोकतंत्र खत्म हो जाएगा.....जस्टिस चेलामेश्वर                  

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