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सोमवार, जनवरी 29, 2018

the economy has been projected to grow at 6.75 percent in 2018

The audit of the allocation of last year's budget has been introduced in Parliament. In this, the economy has been projected to grow at 6.75 percent in 2018. At the same time, it is expected to increase in the fiscal year 2019 and during this period it can reach 7.75 percent. The Economic Survey states that the fiscal year 2019 can prove to be challenging for the Indian economy. It has been said that the economy is expected to get boost from the export sector. It is said in the survey that in the coming days, managing the economy on economic and political front will be a big challenge.

                                                                वित्त मंत्री ने पेश किया इकोनॉमिक सर्वे

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