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शुक्रवार, अगस्त 18, 2017

The huge coin got together with the Infosys board, said the company lost an important CEO

Shortly after the resignation from Infosys, the company board has supported the huge coin. The Board says that the company has lost an important CEO. Let us tell you that the coin has resigned on Friday, among the objections raised by the founders before the past few months. Coin told the reason for his resignation for the past few months on personal attacks on him. He has said in his notice to the company that he has faith in the company's great capabilities, but in the last few months there are some things that are affecting people that are affecting them too.


The Board has credited the huge Sikkhan for a lot of positive changes in the company. The Board says that the vision of the coin for the industry and the company will further help us achieve new goals. The board also said that the company has lost a valuable CEO. When the board found all these allegations baseless in the investigation of alleged charges. In addition, the Board condemned all criticism and said that this has affected the morale of the employees of the company. Tell you that the huge coin will focus on strategic initiatives, customer relationships and technology development. They will be directly reporting to the company's board. The huge coin will get an annual salary of a dollar from the company as an Executive Vice President.

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