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शुक्रवार, अगस्त 18, 2017

Government will no longer be in the appointment of public sector banks: Government

The Central Government has taken some initiatives to appoint top positions in public banks, including closure of the lobbying process, selection based on preference and performance, and increasing the 'employment pool' involving private sector. The Ministry of Personnel has recently given this information in a booklet presented to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Accordingly, two major issues present in front of Indian public sector banks include high non-performing assets (NPAs) and insufficient systemic security measures. Accordingly, the central government has initiated far-reaching changes in the appointments of top executives so that most of the problems present in front of nationalized banks can be addressed.


A report in this report is 'Improvement in banks: execution through leadership' also. It has been said that there is no lobbying anymore. It states that reforms include independent professional bodies for selection, extension of pool involving private sector and purposeful and transparent selection.

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