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मंगलवार, नवंबर 16, 2010

Facebook Launch FB Mail , New Email Messaging Services

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says the newly launched Facebook messaging system will soon replace the regular mail.

"We spent lot of time building a handful of products to fit what we think the need is in a modern messaging system," said Zuckerberg in his fresh attack on rival Google.

The new Facebook system unifies all your conversations that happen through e-mails, Facebook messages, SMS, other chat clients and puts them as a thread on your new @facebook.com email address.

Your e-mail username will be similar to your profile name and you will be able to send your emails from within your Facebook page.

Facebook's 'Social Inbox'; much like Gmail's 'priority inbox' will sort your personal messages and prioritising notes from Facebook friends. All other messages go in a second inbox. You will be allowed to move people from one folder to other.

Facebook has about 500 million users so this product is a direct threat to Gmail's 170 million users and Yahoo!'s 303 million users.

The new feature is already being rolled out in the US but might take a while to reach your inbox. And you will have to sign up for this service.

Details at : RajTalk

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