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मंगलवार, नवंबर 16, 2010

Apple Released Beatles iTunes Music, Download Online from Apple Store

Apple has announced the release of Beatles songs on iTunes. Apple has exclusive digital rights for the Beatles “into 2011,” says spokesman Dylan Jones

"We love the Beatles and are honored and thrilled to welcome them to iTunes," Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in a press release. "It has been a long and winding road to get here."

Apple announced on their website apple.com, that all 13 remastered studio albums will now be available for download on iTunes.

The Red and Blue, and the two-volume Past Masters collection will also be available.

Fans can get single tracks for $1.29, or an entire album for $12.99. The cost for a double album will be $19.99.

If you prefer to get all the albums as a set, including the two other collections, you can purchase that for $149. Included in the complete digital box set is a movie of the first U.S. concert of The Beatles.

It is 41 minutes long, filmed live at Washington Coliseum, in 1964.

Download iTunes@Apple Store : Here

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