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रविवार, अक्टूबर 17, 2010

Typhoon Megi Intensifies, Philippines, China, Photos

 Typhoon Megi, which means “catfish” in Korean, is heading for Northern Luzon at a speed of 20 kilometres per hour after it turned into a super typhoon early today.

It is expected to enter the South China Sea on Monday, said the NMC.

The center of the typhoon was about 390 kilometers (242 miles) east of Cagayan province in northeastern Luzon, with maximum wind of 195 kilometers per hour near the center and gustiness of up to 230 kilometers per hour, the administration said on its 4 p.m. advisory posted on its website. It is moving west at 22 kilometers an hour and is forecast to reach Cagayan tomorrow. Public storm warning signals were raised in 17 provinces, including Isabela, Ilocos Norte, Abra and La Union.

With winds near the center reaching more than 56 meters per second, the super typhoon could cause wild winds and huge waves in the South China Sea in the next three days, the statement said.
The Philippine Coast Guard has issued advisories to fishermen in Cagayan not to venture into fishing during the typhoon to avoid loss of lives, said Ramos, adding that the residents of Metro Manila will be feeling the effects of Meji in terms of rains.

"We will probably feel the rains because its (typhoon) radius is 300 kilometers. The wind will not be that strong but because of the gale effect, we will experience rains here (in Metro Manila)," said Ramos. 

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