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सोमवार, अगस्त 30, 2010

Bank staff strike on September 7, PSU Bank employees On Nationwide Strike

The All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) on Friday said it will participate in the general strike called by central trade unions on September 7 to protest against price rise and other issues.

“Around 10 lakh employees of 27 public sector banks, 18 foreign banks, 26 private banks, 82 regional rural banks and 1,721 co-operative banks will participate in this strike,” All-India Bank Employees Association general secretary Vishwas Utagi said.

The AIBEA has also conveyed its decision to Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and the Indian Banks Association (IBA), Utagi said.  

Eight central trade unions INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, AIICCTU, TUCC and LPF, after a convention held in New Delhi last month, had called a general strike on September 7 to protest "price rise, disinvestment in public sector banks, huge job losses, rampant violation of labour laws and lack of adequate protection to workers in the unorganised sector."

AIBEA claims representation of around 9 lakh bank employees across the sector.

There are 27 PSU banks, 18 private banks, 82 regional rural banks and 16 foreign banks in the country, besides around 2,100 co-operative banks.

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