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शनिवार, जुलाई 17, 2010

Who is Lynn Tilton ? Wiki, Resources, Photos, Videos

Ms. Lynn Tilton serves as CEO and sole primary of Patriarch Partners, LLC and its associated entities (“Patriarch”). 

Ms. Tilton earned a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University and an MBA in Finance from Columbia University.

Ms. Tilton’s career bridges 27 years and covers private equity, hard-pressed asset tactic, financial engineering, loan sales and trading, investment funds,banking fund raising and senior management. As well as her role at Patriarch, Ms. Tilton presently serves as the Chairman and CEO of MD Helicopters, Inc., a leading manufacturing business of commercial and armed forces aircraft.

Ms. Lynn Tilton established Patriarch Partners to develop advanced financial solutions and to handle and monetize the disquieted portfolios of financial organizations. The platform later acquired toward fund investments concentrated mainly upon the acquisition of corporations undergoing pervasive modification and loan creation to those same corporations. 

Under Ms. Tilton’s leadership, Patriarch has placed itself as a proactive partner to companies during periods of time for operational business, industrial and economic changes.

Contact Her :  She had been writing for many news website as columnist, such as huffingtonpost.com.

Twitter : twitter.com/lynntilton

Wiki : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Tilton

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