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शनिवार, जुलाई 17, 2010

Daily Horoscope , Astrology Sign

ARIES 16 July: The Moon's entry into a lively region of your chart should come as a relief. You could feel more in control of home affairs than may have been the case in the recent past, although financial matters remain dodgy. More About Aries
April 21 - May 21TAURUS 16 July: This is very much a time to behave like a true Taurean - resolute, responsible and keen to retain all that is best from the past. Please be very aware that at particular moments you will be obliged to compromise. More About Taurus
May 22 - June 21GEMINI 16 July: There seems to be a real chance the emotional strain of current times will have an adverse effect on your health. Bearing in mind astrology deals with prevention rather than cure, don't let stress get to you. More About Gemini
June 22 - July 23CANCER 16 July: Your lunar alignments remind you of the importance of professional activities and ambitions. In some strange manner, work may be a way for you to provide yourself with emotional security.More About Cancer
July 24 - August23LEO 16 July: A number of long-term commitments may have come under increased scrutiny, but that's no reason to walk out on a responsibility. It may be more useful to stick around and see what can be worked out. More About Leo
August 24 - September 23VIRGO 16 July: Mercury is still exerting a powerful pull over your sign, and will continue for eight weeks. This celestial protection should see you recover from current battles and pass unscathed through the next two months'.More About Virgo
September 24 - October 23LIBRA 16 July: Although the celestial challenge from Mars to the Sun is placing you under personal pressure, others are barking up the wrong tree if they imagine they can out-manoeuvre you. More About Libra
October 24 - November 22SCORPIO 16 July: A family or domestic matter may be settling down, but professional Scorpios are not out of the woods just yet. Remember one piece of vital advice: a good general never starts a battle that can't be won. More Abou Scorpio
November 23 - December 22SAGITTARIUS 16 July: Personally and emotionally, things are likely to remain uncertain, partly because others are vacillating and unwilling to make a decent commitment. Even those who do make arrangements are liable to break them! More About Sagittarius
December 23 - January 20CAPRICORN 16 July: If you use finances as a bait, you could be taking a big risk. Either people may take you at face value, or you may let yourself in for commitments you can't keep. You’ll put family first - and build your life on firm foundations. More About Capricorn
January 21 - February 19AQUARIUS 16 July: Venus, lady of love, is approaching a single degree of your solar chart which denotes your relationships. You should therefore feel only optimism for the future, no matter what current events suggest. More About Aquarius
February 20 - March 20PISCES 16 July: Self-knowledge is a Piscean speciality and you have a rare understanding of what must be done. Deep down you know the time has come to sever one tie and concentrate on another which seems to have more meaning. More About Pisces
By Indian Express

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