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बुधवार, जून 23, 2010

2010 FIFA World Cup Group D Scenario

Group of death' may be a well-worn tournament standard but it is an epithet that could apply to this section. Germany, who share the record for most FIFA World Cup™ finals with Brazil, will cast a shadow over their rivals' preparations given their tradition of high achievement at this level. Yet the semi-finalists from 2006 were hardly alone in taking the fast lane to South Africa, with Australia, Ghana and Serbia all reigning supreme in their qualifying pools. 

The first two of those sides also gave eye-catching performances four years ago and are unlikely to stand on ceremony here, while Serbia's talent production has never been in doubt....reported by FIFA

2010 FIFA World Cup Group D Scenarios
The simplest scenarios are that Ghana, Germany and Serbia all advance with a win. Australia must win and get help.
Ghana advances with:
(A) Win or tie versus Germany
(B) Loss and Australia-Serbia tie IF Serbia does not make up tiebreakers
(C) Loss and Australia win IF Australia does not make up tiebreakers (Australia is way behind on goal differential)
Germany advances with:
(A) Win versus Ghana
(B) Tie and Serbia-Australia tie IF Serbia does not make up tiebreakers
(C) Tie and Australia win IF Australia does not make up tiebreakers
Serbia advances with:
(A) Win versus Australia
(B) Tie and Ghana win
(C) Tie and Ghana-Germany tie AND make up tiebreakers on Germany
Australia advances with:
(A) Win versus Serbia and Ghana win
(B) Win and Germany win and make up tiebreakers on Ghana
(C) Win and Ghana-Germany tie and make up tiebreakers on Germany (not likely)


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