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गुरुवार, मई 20, 2010

Google Co-Founder Brin Said : Google 'screwed up' in capturing private Wi-Fi data

Google "screwed up" by accidentally gathering private wireless data while taking pictures for its "Street View" mapping service, co-founder Sergey Brin has said.

Brin's remarks came as two US lawmakers asked regulators whether the Internet giant had broken the law by capturing personal wireless data, while Italian and German authorities said they were looking into the matter.
Google said last week that Street View cars cruising and taking photographs of cities in over 30 countries had inadvertently gathered fragments of personal data sent over unsecured Wi-Fi systems.
"We screwed up," Brin told reporters on Wednesday at the opening day of a Google conference for software developers. "I'm not going to make any excuses about it."
Brin said Google has "a lot of internal controls in place," although acknowledging that "obviously, they didn't prevent this error from occurring."
He said the Mountain View, California-based company was "putting more internal controls in place."

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