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रविवार, मार्च 28, 2010

Mahavir Jayanti 2010 | Mahavir Jayanti SMS Messages

Mahavir Jayanti SMS. Shree Mahavir Jayanti English Wishes | Wishes on Mahavir Jayanti

May Lord Mahavir Fullfill
Your all the Dreams & Wishes

Fallow the path of Non violence
Take an Oath on this auspicious day
Wishes on Mahavir Jayanti
The best way
To observe such
Auspicious occasion
Is to strive for peace
And strengthening the
Bonds of brotherhood…
Happy Mahavir Jayanti


Hopefully Preaching of Lord Mahavir
ie. right faith (samyak-darshana),
right knowledge (samyak-jnana), and
right conduct (samyak-charitra)
together give us the real path to attain the liberation of one’s self.
Happy Mahavir Jayanti

Happy Mahavir Jayanti .
May Lord Mahavir Bless you on Mahavir Jayanti and Always


Mahavir Jayanti 2010 SMS

“I always ask Lord Mahavir to give you what you DESERVE,
Not what you DESIRE…!!
It is because your Desires may be few…!
But you Deserve a LOT…!
Happy Mahavir Jayanti!”

“May the teachings of Lord Mahavir inspire you… Happy Mahavir Jayanti!”

“May the holy words show you… the path to never ending happiness… Sending you warm wishes… Happy Mahavir Jayanti!”

“Little keys can open big locks.
Simple words can express great thoughts.
I hope my simple pray can make your life great”

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