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सोमवार, मार्च 22, 2010

Delhi's budget outlay slashed by over Rs1,200 crore

A.K. Walia, the finance minister of Delhi, is announcing the Delhi Budget 2010.

A.K. Walia said that more DTC buses will be added and for this Rs 675 crore has been allotted. The Minister also added that some special non-stop DTC buses will be started for 50 routes.

The DTC buses will comprise of GPS from now. Talking about the new foot over bridges A.K. Walia announced that the 26 bridges will be constructed before December 2010. He said that Rs. 83 crore will be provided for street lights to Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

The Health sector has been given Rs 1240 Crore.

Some of the updates of this budget are GSDP is 10 % according to Walia. Delhi Budget estimate is Rs 26,000 Crore in 2010-11. More DTC buses will be added and for this Rs 675 crore allocated. Special DTC buses will be started that will be non stop for 50 routes.

DTC buses will also have GPS from now onwards. New Foot Over Bridges will be constructed in Delhi before December 2010. The numbers of these new bridges is 26. Rs. 83 crore will be provided for street lights to Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

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