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बुधवार, दिसंबर 16, 2009

Tiger Woods's Divorce To Swedish-born wife , Elin Nordegren wants a divorce

Tiger Woods's Swedish-born wife Elin Nordegren wants a divorce because of the golfing great's extramarital flings, People magazine

"She plans to leave Tiger," one unidentified source "close to the golfer's wife" was quoted as saying.

The former model and mother of two has met with lawyers to renegotiate her prenuptial agreement with the billionaire sportsman, the report said, quoting an unnamed source.

"She's made up her mind. There's nothing to think about: he's never going to change," another source is quoted saying.

Photos published in tabloid media this week purported to show Nordegren, 29, without her wedding ring, while the New York Post reported that she was overseeing removal workers at the house she shared with Woods in Florida.

"She's making plans to move out and take the kids with her," the Post quoted another unnamed source as saying. "She's planning to go somewhere warm and Tiger-free for Christmas."

Woods's stellar career and squeaky clean image have gone into a nose dive since allegations that he had been cheating on his wife with more than a dozen women, including a porn film actress, nightclub hostess and a cocktail waitress.

Woods has since admitted to infidelity and announced an indefinite break from golf.

On Monday it emerged that Nordegren had bought a beachfront estate on an island near Stockholm.

Faaglaro, part of an archipelago of thousands of islands between Stockholm and the Baltic, is reachable by boat from the port of Vaxholm, where the former supermodel grew up.

It was not immediately clear how Nordegren intended to use the property. She has not publicly commented on her husband's infidelities.

Sweden's TV4 recently hosted a panel discussion on the subject of infidelity in light of the scandal, and a poll on the channel's website asked viewers "What Should Elin Do Now?"

Of the 2,565 who voted online, 63 per cent advised their compatriot to leave the dethroned golfer, 11 per cent said she should forgive him, and 26 per cent thought she should "pull out the driver."


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