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बुधवार, दिसंबर 16, 2009

Bank strike | Public Sector Bank | Public Sector Bank Strike

Bank strike | Public Sector Bank | Public Sector Bank Strike | Public Sector Bank Union Strike | AIBEA Strike |  PSU Bank Strike Nation Wide | Bank employees to go for strike today | Nation-wide bank strike on Wednesday | Bank employees to strike
Nation-wide Bank Strike 2009 Today on December 16 by public sector bank employees to protest the proposed merger of the State Bank of Indore with its parent SBI.Public Sector Bank Strike or AIBEA Strike or Bank employees to strike of All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) and All India Bank Officers Association (AIBOA) will observe this strike with 4 lac bak employees.

“About 4 lakh bank employees under the banner of All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA) and All India Bank Officers Association (AIBOA) would observe strike as the conciliation meeting with the management failed,” AIBEA General Secretary C H Venkatachalam told PTI.

During the conciliatory meeting held today, unions offered to defer the stike if the SBI management agreed to stop further action on the merger of State Bank of Indore and continued with the talks, he said, adding, “the management did not agree hence strike stands.”

The conciliatory meeting with the Indian Banks’ Association and the management of SBI and the State Bank of Indore was held before the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner here.

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