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शनिवार, नवंबर 28, 2009

Tiger Wood Car Accident, Rachel Uchitel Woods Affairs, Photo

tiger woods, tiger woods accident, tiger woods car crash, Rachel Uchitel Pics | Rachel Uchitel | Rachel | Tiger Woods | Rachel Uchitel Photos
Champion golfer Tiger Woods is resting comfortably this Black Friday after being injured in a car accident in The Sunshine State this morning.

Woods was injured in a car wreck early Friday near his Florida home at 2:25 a.m. last night. Initial reports, which began to circulate around 12 hours later, said his injuries were "serious." His spokesman, Glenn Greenspan, said this after noon that Woods had been treated and released in good condition.

The golfer was alone in the one-car crash. The accident damaged his 2009 Cadillac Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV). The collision was not hard enough for the vehicle’s airbags to deploy. Police said there was no sign of alcohol at the scene or evidence that alcohol was involved. So Woods was not having a one-man party in his SUV, in what would be a totally lame non-famous person car accident.


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