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शनिवार, नवंबर 21, 2009

Microsoft Office 2010 Beta Download

Technology and Software Giant Microsoft announced that Office 2010 became available for download as a Beta.
“The Office Home and Business 2010 beta and Office Professional 2010 beta will be available soon. Please come back and try again. The Office Professional Plus 2010 beta is available for download now,” says Microsoft .

Office Home and Business 2010 Beta – includes Excel, PowerPoint, Office Web Apps, OneNote, Outlook, and Word.

Office Professional 2010 Beta – includes Access, Excel, Office Web Apps, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Publisher

Office Professional Plus 2010 Beta - includes Access, Communicator, Excel, Infopath, Office Web Apps, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and SharePoint Workspace.

Complete Details Download Microsoft Office 2010

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