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शनिवार, नवंबर 21, 2009

BSNLEU Tamilnadu ,bsnleuchq.com ,BSNL Employees Union , BSNLEU

BSNL Employees Union, BSNLEU Meeting of Wage Negotiation on 19th November, BSNLEU Tamilnadu, bsnleuchq.com

The Meeting of Wage Negotiation on 19th November, 2009   :-

Meeting of the wage committee was held on 19th November, 2009. Discussions were held on how the revised scales can be constructed. Various suggestions on conversion factor, span of scales, stagnation increments etc. were discussed. Discussions are inconclusive. Next meeting will be held in next week.

V.A.N. Namboodiri,
General Secretary, BSNLEU

For more details below visit -  http://bsnleuchq.com

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