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शनिवार, नवंबर 21, 2009

Acer laptop prices specifications Acer laptop prices

The latest Acer Aspire 6930G – 583G25BN Laptop has been launched with the latest technology.

Its dimensions are 38.5 cm in width, 4.4 cm in height and 27.5 cm in depth. The laptop weighs just 3.6 kg and is compatible for transportation.. This model has inbuilt stereo speakers, wireless LAN aerial and a subwoofer. Intel core 2 Duo T5800 processor has an immense speed of 2 GHz. This model comes with a Intel PM45 Express chipset and L2 cache memory with the capacity of 2 MB. The RAM of this laptop uses the latest DDR2 SDRAM technology with a inbuilt memory of 3GB. The hard disk has the capacity to store 250 GB data.

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