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बुधवार, अक्तूबर 07, 2009

Top Salary Earner Indian CEO's , Indian Companies Top Earning CEO

Earning Rs 1 crore a year may have been a dream for top executives till a couple of years ago, but no longer.

The new aspiration level for the country’s professionals is $1 million, or Rs 5 crore. The club of crore-plus earners in the country is getting crowded, with hundreds of new faces joining it last year.

As many as 640 directors of public listed companies took home more than Rs 1 crore for the year ended March 2009, compared to 570 in the previous year according to report by ET.

Here are the top salary earners of over Rs 10 crore:

Kalanithi Maran


Pay per annum: Rs 37.08 cr

Anil D Ambani

Chairman, RCom

Pay per annum: Rs 30.02 cr

Naveen Jindal

Exec VC, Jindal Steel

Pay per annum: Rs 28.27 cr

Malvinder Singh

Ex-CEO, Ranbaxy Labs

Pay per annum: Rs 23.70 cr

Sunil Bharti Mittal

CMD, Bharti Airtel

Pay per annum: Rs 22.89 cr

Brijmohan Munjal

Chairman, Hero Honda

Pay per annum: Rs 19.79 cr

Pawan Munjal

CEO, Hero Honda

Pay per annum: Rs 19.68 cr


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