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बुधवार, अक्तूबर 07, 2009

Top Companies Offer Rs One crore Salary, List of Companies

As many as 640 directors of public listed companies took home more than Rs 1 crore in total remuneration for the year ended March 2009, compared to 570 in the previous year.

More than 2,000 others , including senior executives who are not part of board of directors, and executives of privately-held firms, the compensation details of which are not in public domain, took home more than Rs 1 crore last year as per financial newspaper ET.

Here's a list of the top companies which offer Rs 1 cr plus salaries: 

Airtel : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 27 

CiTi Bank : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 50-75

ICICI Bank : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 15

HUL : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 20-25

PEPSI : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 15

Coca-Cola : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 15

LG : No. of executives with Rs 1 cr/plus earnings: 2-3

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