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रविवार, सितंबर 20, 2009

Somdev Beerman Davis Cup 2009 South Africa 2009 Beat Rik De Voest

Tags : davis cup live scores, davis cup 2009, davis cup, davis cup live, davis cup schweiz

Historic day in Davis Cup. Somdev Beat Rik De Voest in Johannesburg in five setter. He was trailing 2-0 after two sets but he came back strongly to win last three sets.

India No. 1 Somdev Devvarman beat Rik de Voest 3-6, 6-7 (3), 7-6 (5), 6-2, 6-4 in a marathon first reverse singles to win the Davis Somdev Cup World Group play-off 3-1 against South Africa on Sunday.

Thus India enters World Group after 11 years. India last played in the World Group in 1998.

Somdev lost first two sets 3-6, 6-7 (3) in an almost two hours long battle, but he resurrected himself in the third set which he won 7-6 (5) in a tie-breaker.

Although Somdev started the third set disastrously, failing to hold his serve in the very first game as Rik took a 2-0 early lead. The 133rd ranked Indian come back strongly as he broke the 189th ranked South African in the fourth game to level the set at 2-2.


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