Marathi film “Harishchandrachi Factory”, Mumbai-based theatre actor-director Paresh Mokashi’s debut movie, will be India’s official entry for the Oscars.
Marathi film "Harishchandrachi Factory", by theatre-veteran Paresh Mokashi has been selected as India's official entry to this year's Oscars in the Foreign Film Category.
The two-hour-long film depicts the struggle of Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, to make 'Raja Harishchandra' in 1913, India's first feature film.
"Harischandrachi Factory" beat off competition from 15 films including Bollywood movies like "New York" and "Delhi 6" to get selected for the honour.
The nomination of the Marathi film was announced by The Film Federation of India (FFI) and the jury was headed by noted actress Asha Parekh.
Paresh Mokashi, the writer and director of the film was elated on hearing the news.
Mokashi said he will have to submit the prints to the Oscar Academy by October one.
"The film was completed in December last year.
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