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बुधवार, सितंबर 23, 2009

Durga Puja Kolkata 2009, Venues , Pandals Details

Maya civilization, Paris Opera House, Shaktipeeth, Myanmar pagoda ... you can find them all in Salt Lake this Durga Puja. With a number of puja committees in Salt Lake celebrating their silver jubilee this year, efforts have been made to ensure that each of them becomes a crowdpuller during the four-day festivities.

HA Block Residents' Forum is almost ready with a pandal based on the ancient Maya civilization. "Sculptures that people will see in the pandal will depict the Maya civilization that existed in Mexico and places falling in present-day Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and western Honduras. The idol, which has been created keeping in mind the overall theme, is coming from Krishnagar. Art College painters have worked on the design of the pandal," said Bidhan Ganguly, a committee member. The total budget of this puja is Rs 16 lakh.

Walking down AJ Block, one will come across a pandal that resembles an ancient cave. The theme here is Shaktipeeth. The pandal also features interesting sculptures and artistic expressions. The budget is Rs 15 lakh, said puja committee convener Paresh Nath Banerjee.

The puja organized by BG Block Residents' Association will take visitors to the Inlay Lake Pagoda of Myanmar. The symbols and artwork involve a fusion of Buddhist and Hindu cultures. The organizers claim to have used eco-friendly materials in the pandal.

Source : TOI

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