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बुधवार, अप्रैल 25, 2018

New airlines will start from these cities of UP, Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana

Flying is one of the most ambitious schemes of the Modi government. Air travel will be started from many cities under the flyover. That's why many small towns are also included in the list, where the Airports will be built. Many of the UP cities have been included in this list. Deccan Charters and Alliance Air Flights will operate from Agra to Delhi and Jaipur. Similarly, from Kanpur (Chacheri) to Delhi, Air Odisha and Spice Jet will fly..Lucknow from Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow from Bareilly, Lucknow from Chitrakoot, Allahabad from Gorakhpur, Hindun to Hubli, Kannur, Ojhar (Nashik) and Pithoragarh, Jhansi to Lucknow, Lucknow to Aligarh, Allahabad, Azamgarh, Bareli, Chitrakoot, Jhansi Air services will start between, Muradabad, Maurpur (Korba) and Sarawasti. Similarly, flights from Moradabad to Lucknow, Maurpur (Korba) to Lucknow and Sarawati to Lucknow will also start flights.

                                                  लखनऊ से ग्‍वालियर तक और वाराणसी से कानपुर (चकेरी) तक एयर ओडिशा के प्‍लेन चलेंगे. अलीगढ़ से लखनऊ के बीच चलने वाले एयरलाइंस पर निर्णय होना है.      

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