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बुधवार, मार्च 28, 2018

CBSE Paper Leak: The 10th Maths and 12th Economics Exam

CBSE has decided to re-issue 12th class Economics and 10th class Maths paper. The board took this decision after reports of paper leakage. According to sources, the Maths paper was leaked on Tuesday night. It was found in the investigation that the leaked paper gets exactly the same from the original paper.

                               CBSE पेपर लीक: दोबारा होगी 10वीं की मैथ्स और 12वीं की इकोनॉमिक्स की परीक्षा


The 12th class Economics paper was on Tuesday, while on Wednesday the Maths paper was held on 10th. Parents say that children have to face a lot of trouble with this. Parents standing outside Noida Cambridge School say that children are troubled due to repeated paper leaks. Due to paper leak, his hard work got worse.

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