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सोमवार, फ़रवरी 26, 2018

Sridevi's balance worsened due to the influence of alcohol He died after suffocation

Bollywood actress Sridevi was killed after drowning in the bathtub. It has been revealed from the post mortem report. The news agency ANI has told the UAE News's Gulf News that in the forensic report it has been said that Sridevi's death was caused by accidental drowning. According to Gulf News, Sridevi got the amount of alcohol in his body. However, the copy of the post-mortem report has been shared by the NAI, it has been said of accidental drowning. No mention of alcohol has been mentioned......According to the Gulf News report, due to the influence of alcohol, Sridevi's balance got worse and he fell into the bathtub. Then he could not get out of the bathtub and he died after suffocation. After the post-mortem report was released, Sridevi K. Parthiv Deh has been sent to 'Defense Coatings'. This process will take 90 minutes.After the completion of the protective coating process, Dubai Police will issue death certificates of Sridevi. After getting this certificate, the Indian consulate will cancel the Indian actress's passport and the immigration department will complete her action. After this, the public prosecutor will allow the body of the body to handover. After this, the body of Sridevi will be sent to India.


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