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सोमवार, सितंबर 11, 2017

Maruti will also start work on electric car, research and development: R.S. Kalsi

It is being said that the government has run electric vehicles across the country till 2030. With this, preparations have begun in the entire automobile industry. Of country  Maruti Suzuki, the largest car maker, is not far behind. Maruti Suzuki Senior Managing Director (Marketing & Sales) R. s. Kalsi talks with Manish Bhaskar Ashutosh Verma ...Maruti Suzuki is ready to introduce electric vehicles in India. Work has been started at R & D level for this. For now we have ...It's a lot of time. We are working on new technology We already have an electric vehicle ...

                                           मारुति भी लाएगी इलेक्ट्रिक कार, रिसर्च एंड डेवलपमेंट पर काम शुरू: आर.एस. कल्सी           

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