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मंगलवार, सितंबर 05, 2017

HDFC Bank has got two-to-big-to-fail states after SBI and ICICI

The Reserve Bank of India has added HDFC to the list of important banks on Monday. HDFC Bank has been included in the list of SBI and ICICI Bank, which is called D-SIB. Let us know that after being added to the list of important banks, banks have to have additional capital.  RBI says that additional capital requirement for HDFC Bank will be valid from April 1, 2018. State Bank of India is the largest bank in the country, ICICI Bank is the largest bank in the private sector and HDFC Bank is the second largest private sector and the third largest bank in the private sector.

RBI had earlier announced that SBI and ICICI Bank are important banks at the domestic level. RBI had classified the country's largest bank SBI and Private sector major ICICI Bank in 2015 as D-SIB. In this way, this special list of financial institutions now has three banks.

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