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शनिवार, अगस्त 05, 2017

PM Modi's tough attitude pushing India towards war: Chinese newspaper

A Chinese daily newspaper has written about China's continuing tension in Sikkim's Dokalam area with the fact that India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing India towards war due to its "tough stance" and the fate of its nationals on the wager Are figuring out. An editorial published in China's government-owned 'Global Times' states that Modi should be aware of the 'immense power' of the Chinese army, who has the capacity to 'destroy' Indian soldiers in Dokalam.

China and the Chinese media are getting tense for the past few days on the ongoing border dispute with India. Meanwhile, the Defense Minister of China has also said that India will not take the test of China's patience. At the same time, India has always been giving a counter-response and has been calling for dialogue to resolve the border dispute over the Sikkim sector.

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