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सोमवार, अगस्त 14, 2017

India and China can not beat each other: Dalai Dail

The current stress on Kborder Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama said on Monday that India and China can not beat each other. Both countries are powerful in the military. Firing incidents can occur on both sides, but it does not matter. Both have to live as good neighbors. The sense of 'Hindi-Chinese brother Bhai' is a way forward. Let us know that China wants to make a road near Bhutan triangulation in Sikkim sector and India is opposing it. For almost 2 months, soldiers from India and China are face-to-face in this area. China has asked India to call its troops immediately from the area, but India has denied it. Dalai said - China is changing ...

- On the journalists' gathering, the Dalai said, "In 1951, there was a 17-point agreement with China for peace in Tibet. Today China is changing and it has emerged as the largest country of Buddhism. There is a communist government, but it has accepted Buddhism further. India and China will have to follow the Hindi-Chinese brothers' brotherhood again. 

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