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शनिवार, अगस्त 19, 2017

Increasing tension between India and China can lead to 'war'

America is considered to be dangerous because of the stand-by-face of India and China's armies in Dokalmal. A parliamentary report said that this deadlock could also make war between the two countries. During that time, the strategic cooperation of the US and India can cause difficulties for American relations with China. This brief report of two pages from Congress Research Service has been presented in the head 'Strain on China border in Doka-La'.


This report contains information about the status of the soldiers of both countries. It is worth mentioning that the Dokalam area, which is facing the Sikkim Sector deadline, is called Doka-la in the Indian territory. The triangle in the triangular area is called Dokalam and it is an area under Bhutan's right. By taking possession of this area, China wanted to make a road there, which was stopped by the Indian army on June 16. This area is very close to the narrow corridor connecting the North Eastern territories to the rest of India. This led to the threat of security for India by taking control of China by taking the road to the road.

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