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बुधवार, अगस्त 23, 2017

CEO and entrepreneurs tell us which products should be imported by 2022: PM Modi

Modi has asked to identify five things (products) met CEO and Antrprenyor (entrepreneurs) the country on Tuesday, which could prevent the import 2022. He has also appealed to develop the country so that demand of the country can be met from domestic production.


Between 200 young CEOs in Delhi's Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra, he said that the environment should be created to take the poor to every area of ​​life. In terms of commodities, India's trade deficit is making important and this year is getting lower than the year 2014-15. In the fiscal year 2016-17, the export of goods was $ 276.28 billion; imports also reached $ 384.31 billion

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