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शुक्रवार, अगस्त 11, 2017

Arun Jaitley is scrutinizing accounts in Panama Papers

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said on Thursday that accounts named for the names in Panama Papers are under investigation. At the same time, he has also made it clear that the procedure will be followed. Responding to a question in the ongoing discussion during the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill in Rajya Sabha, Jaitley said, "No government has taken any step on the information received in connection with foreign accounts."   This bill has been passed in the Rajya Sabha. It will replace the act which was implemented in May, where the RBI was given full power to deal with non-perforing assets. The Panama Papers are related to the leak of the foreign law firm Mosaic Fonseca's database, which disclosed many intelligence foreign accounts.

Arun Jaitley said, "Every account that has emerged in Panama has been done. There is a law of law in our country. Our country is not like a neighboring country where it is first removed and then trials. We have Arni himself investigating. "He also said that the government is also in touch with countries where they are accountable. For information, let us know that the post of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was removed after being convicted in the case of the Panama Papers.

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