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गुरुवार, फ़रवरी 10, 2011

Promise Day SMS Messages, Scraps And Quotes

Promise to you My Dear
We will walk together till the Life ended
Happy Promise Day SMS.

Our True Love has no limit
like this Sky
Happy Promise Day SMS.

Promise to you
You have filled my world wtih Life
Happy Promise Day SMS.

Promise To Always Love You
Promise You My Love
Promise You My Life
Promise To Always Trust You.
Happy Promise Day SMS

Friendship is a language spoken by heart,
not written on paper,
not given by pledge,
it is a promise on this promise day,
to renewed every time we keep in touch..

Promise Day 2010
I don’t promise you the moon,
I don’t promise you the star…
but if you promise to remember me,
I promise to be always there
Thinking of you on forget me not day.

Tags : Happy Promise Day SMS Tags : Promise Day, Promise Day SMS, Promise Day SMS Messages, Promise Day Online SMS, Promise Day SMS Free, Promise Day SMS Wishes

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