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गुरुवार, फ़रवरी 24, 2011

Karnataka Budget 2011 Highlights

The Karnataka government has presented the budget for financial year 2011-2012. The Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) of state will grow by about 8.2 per cent during 2010-11, driven by higher growth in primary and tertiary sectors.

Highlights of Karnatka State Budget 2011-2012
1. Interest free loans for higher education for farmer’s children
2. Agriculture revolving funds to be increased to Rs 1000 crore
3. Rs 100 crore for small ports , Rs 200 crore for organic farming
4. Seeds to be supplied to farmers at 50 percent subsidy 
5. Rs 9 crore to encourage paddy and sugarcane production 
5. Single window scheme to help farmers 
6. Rs 25 crore for coconut cultivation , More neera processing units to be set up 
7. Exemption of VAT for floriculture , Rs 2 crore to combat diseases that afflict areca plantation 
8. Rs 10 crore for APMCs across the state , Veterinarian Colleges to be set in Gadag and Athini 
9. Mega dairy at Mysore, Rs 2.5 crore for prevention of epidemics , Rs 10 crore as incentives for fish farming

For Detail Read Here 

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