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शुक्रवार, जनवरी 07, 2011

CBSE Datesheet For 2011 Out

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the dates for class Xth and XIIth board exams to be held in March and April 2011. The countdown for the Board exams 2011 has begun.
The Board exams for Class X will commence from March 1 with the Indian Language Exams like Tamil, Urdu, French etc. followed by Punjabi, Malayalam on March 3.
The exams for Class X will get over on March 25 with Music paper. The first paper ofClass XII, Phsics will be on March 1 and the exams will continue till April 13. The detailed date sheet can accessed after clicking the desired class.
[Ask Your Dought About CBSE Here]
The 10th Class Examinations are beginning from 1st March 2011 (Tuesday) and ending on 25th March 2011 (Friday).
The 12th Class Examinations are beginning from 1st March 2011 (Tuesday) and ending on 13th April 2011 (Wednesday).
Class X Main Exam:
5 March 2011, Saturday MATHEMATICS
10 March 2011, Thursday Social Science
18 March 2011, Friday ENGLISH COMM., ENGLISH LNG & LIT.
23 March 2011, Wednesday SCIENCE-THEORY, SCIENCE W/O PRAC.
Class XII Main Exam:
1 March 2011, Tuesday – Physics
7 March 2011, Monday – Chemistry
11 March 2011, Friday – English
14 March 2011, Monday – Biology
22 March 2011, Tuesday – Mathematics
Check For Detailed DateSheet : here

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें


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