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मंगलवार, जनवरी 11, 2011

CATIIM Results 2010, Eight Score Perfect 100

Eight candidates have scored a 100 percentile score in the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2010, the results of which will be announced on Wednesday. 

Following them at a 99.9 percentile score are 19 candidates, including two women from Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.

All eight top scorers in CAT 2010 are men and come from an engineering background, it is learnt. This does not come as a surprise considering the fact that 88 per cent of the total candidates who took CAT 2010 were from engineering background.

The CAT scores will be used by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) besides a number of business schools in the country to admit students.

Of the top eight, three are from Maharashtra — two from Mumbai and one from Pune — and one each from Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Indore.

The IIMs, incidentally, have been mulling ways to widen and diversify the candidate profile in order to draw more women and non-engineering candidates to the B-schools. 

Source : Indianexpress

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