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रविवार, अक्तूबर 10, 2010

Wrestler Sushil Kumar Won CWG Gold in Just 9 Second

India's Wrestler on high, I don't know how to react, a thousand rupees  Ticket for 9 second game. 

World champion and Olympic bronze medallist Sushil Kumar of India has beaten Heinrich Barnes of South Africa to win the 66kg freestyle wrestling final at the Commonwealth Games on Sunday.

Sushil Kumar pinned down his opponent in the second round when leading 2-0, 5-0 to clinch the gold.

Sushil Kumar had earlier in the semifinal pinned Famara Jarjou of Gambia in a mere nine seconds. The world champion had also not conceded a point in the previous two bouts. 

Scorecard of india
India's total tally so far: 28 (G) – 19 (S) – 21 (B) = 68

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