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रविवार, अक्तूबर 24, 2010

Bragging Rights 2010, WWE Smackdown Results

WWE Bragging Rights, including the WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, the United States Championship and the Divas Championship. 

Big Show, Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz, Sheamus and Ezekiel Jackson in a three on three tag team match by pinfall. Big Show hit Miz with a chokeslam and Rey then splashed him to get the win.

Jack Swagger defeated Santino Marella by submission. Swagger put Santino in an ankle lock and Santino tapped out.

Alberto Del Rio defeated John Morrison by submission.

Tags: wwe bragging rights 2010 predictions, wwe bragging rights 2010, wwe bragging rights, wwe bragging rights 2010 matches, wwe bragging rights 2010 spoilers

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