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शुक्रवार, सितंबर 03, 2010

WikiLeaks Founder Admits Relationship with Accuser

TOI  Reported That Julian Assange, founder of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, has admitted he had sexual relations with one of two Swedish women who have accused him of sex crimes.

Assange said he had consensual sex more than once with a woman who has accused him of molestation, the Daily Telegraph reported Friday.

"I say the same thing I have said the entire time. I have not done anything with these two women that was not completely voluntary from both parts," he said.

Sweden's top prosecutor has reopened investigations into allegations of molestation from the woman and of rape by another Swedish female.

WikiLeaks published over 70,000 secret military files on Afghanistan in July in what US officials have called one of the biggest security breaches in US military history.

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