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शुक्रवार, सितंबर 03, 2010

Wachovia Online Banking, New Increased Charges For Bank ATM Transaction

Wachovia Bank has announced that there will be several fee changes to their banking system.

>> A $2 fee will be implemented for any customers receiving paper statements in the mail with images of canceled checks.

Customers may avoid these additional fees by requesting not to attached Images in statements, or They may use Wachovia’s online banking.

>>There are charges on Using other banks ATM network. Earlier Wachovia Bank had waived such ATM Transaction fees, which was near to $3 per transaction.

“With more than 12,000 combined ATMs around the country, including about 200 in Charlotte, Wachovia believes customers can find a machine to meet their needs,” spokesman John Dunn stated.

This Increase in Banking Charges are due to sweeping changes across a portion of the banking industry as Bank of America also seems to be doing a similar fee adjustments.

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