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मंगलवार, सितंबर 28, 2010

New BlackBerry PlayBook Price, Features and Technical Spectifications

RIM announced its BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.. The Playbook, which features a 7 inch screen, and weighs only about 65% of what the iPad weighs has made a rather nice impression thus far on business consumers......[Tech Review]

The tablet will utilize an OS created by the recently acquired QNX called the BlackBerry Tablet OS which will offer full OpenGL and POSIX support alongside web standards such as HTML5.

According to RIM, Playbook will be “an incredible gaming platform for publishers and the players”. It can also handle Flash content via Flash 10.1, as well as Adobe AIR apps. The BlackBerry PlayBook is 0.4 inches (9.7 mm) thick, making it thinner than the iPad’s 0.5 inches. The device will have a high-resolution 1024 x 600 pixels widescreen display and will be lightweight at just 0.9 lbs, compared to the iPad’s 1.5 lbs.

RIM has yet to set an exact price for the PlayBook but says it will fall in the lower range of prices for consumer tablets already in the suddenly congested market. ..

Asked if later versions will connect to advanced 4G networks now under development, RIM co-Chief Executive Jim Balsillie told Reuters: "That's not a question we're answering today, but it's not a hard one to guess at."

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