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मंगलवार, अगस्त 24, 2010

Viswanathan Anand Being an Indian Controversy, apologised By HRD Minister

This is what so called the return of One's Faith fullness with country. Chess world champion Viswanathan Anand who play for India and By any mean he is an Indian, asked by our respected HRD ministry To show the proof for being Indian.

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal on Tuesday apologised to chess wizard Viswanathan Anand over the controversy on conferring an honorary doctorate to him and made it clear that his nationality was never questioned by the ministry.

Hailing Anand for his achievements, Sibal said, "Viswanathan Anand has done India proud like Arjun Atwal (who won a top professional golf championship in the US yesterday). We should be proud of those who climb the heights of global excellence."

Coinciding with the International Conference on Maths currently on here, the University was planning to honour Anand along with Harvard University mathematician David Mumford....reported by TOI

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