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मंगलवार, अगस्त 24, 2010

Rolls-Royce Reopen the Site For Boeing, Airbus

Rolls-Royce Group Plc has yet to reopen a site used to trial jet engines for Boeing Co.’s 787 Dreamliner model and the rival Airbus SAS A350 after a $17 million turbine blew up on the test bed three weeks ago.

Rolls-Royce, the world’s second-biggest maker of aircraft engines, could switch testing of the Trent 1000 and the Trent XWB designed for the A350 wide-body to other locations around the world, according to a person familiar with the programs, who declined to be identified because the information isn’t public.

The U.K. company has engine test sites in Derby, Germany and the U.S. and is planning to open one in Singapore. 

Read Story at Bloomberg

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