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मंगलवार, अगस्त 24, 2010

Ranbaxy Pay One-Time Penalty To Settle FDA Issues,

Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. (500359.BY) may pay a one-time penalty to settle U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues, CNBC TV18 television channel said Tuesday, citing sources.

The Indian pharmaceutical company is a unit of Japan's Daiichi Sankyo Co.

Ranbaxy has been in talks with the FDA after the regulator banned the company in September 2008 from importing more than 30 of its generic drugs because of violations of manufacturing practices at two plants--at Dewas in central India and Paonta Sahib northern India.

In addition to the import ban, the FDA in February 2009 halted review of drug applications from Paonta Sahib, alleging Ranbaxy had falsified data.

By : http://www.nasdaq.com/

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